I’m a tireless entrepreneur, so ideas and inventions are an oft and happy hazard.

– Dustin Estes


For as long as I can remember, I have always felt the desire to create and to build from the ground-up. I have an analytical mind so I’m constantly evaluating things around me and searching for better, more efficient, or cleverer ways to do them.

Bringing these ideas and products to life has always been a pursuit of mine and I hope I never lose that. Fortunately, I have a sneaking suspicion that I never will lose it…….. if the past 33 years are any indicator 🙂


Over the years, I have designed and formed a number of companies across varying industries, all sharing one common goal: provide products and services like only I can.


Quite often I come across products that I feel have fallen short of the mark or could, perhaps, be done in a different way. I may not necessarily want to own the idea as much as I would just like to sell it and see it come to market.


Sometimes ideas, no matter how great, can suffer from launch issues and never quite make it off the ground. It doesn’t mean I don’t still love the concept. It just means it’s back to the drawing board to investigate how to achieve lift.